Tampa beaches near BoardPrep

More About Alcoholism

AA Big Book Chapter 3 MORE ABOUT ALCOHOLISM Most of us have been unwilling to admit we were real alcoholics. No person likes to think he is bodily and mentally different from his fellows. Therefore, it is not surprising that our drinking careers have been characterized by countless vain attempts to prove we could drink…

Tampa beaches near BoardPrep

There is a Solution

AA Big Book Chapter 2 THERE IS A SOLUTION We, of ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, know thousands of men and women who were once just as hopeless as Bill. Nearly all have recovered. They have solved the drink problem. We are average Americans. All sections of this country and many of its occupations are represented, as well…

Marijuana brain

Weed (marijuana)

Weed (marijuana) Weed (marijuana), a powerful hypnotic drug derived from engineered plants, raises levels of pleasure chemicals in the user’s brain. The flood of chemicals causes extreme pleasure, calmness and may raise or suppress appetite. The drug relaxes some people and energizes others. Repeated drug use causes the brain to adapt to the higher levels…

technology at BoardPrep

7 Ways Technology Can Help Your Recovery

More people today than ever before are finding meaningful connections with the world through their smart devices and computers. This article shows how computers, smart phones in social media can be used to support recovery. There is an old saying that wherever two recovering people get together, the heartbeat of recovery is there. At BoardPrep,…