Man with psychological dependence to alcohol

What is Psychological Dependence?

Psychological dependence can be difficult to understand and can be a significant obstacle to recovery for people struggling with addiction. This term refers to the psychological cravings, urges, or behaviors that are experienced in response to continued substance use. It can include feelings of compulsion, obsession, and preoccupation with obtaining and using substances. Understanding the…

A woman thinking about detoxing from fentanyl

Don’t Try Detoxing from Fentanyl at Home

The amount of media attention that has been devoted to the pandemic may obscure the longevity and potential danger of another national problem: the opioid epidemic. Indeed, addiction to opioid drugs—including fentanyl, an extremely potent opioid—has continued to rise in recent years. Unfortunately, fentanyl addiction is far too common, and this addiction can be deadly.…