New Study Indicates CBD Not Helpful in Cocaine Detox or Addiction Treatment

New Study Indicates CBD Not Helpful in Cocaine Detox or Addiction Treatment

Products made with cannabidiol, or CBD, a chemical in the cannabis plant, seem to be everywhere these days. But a recent Canadian study finds CBD won’t help cure a person’s cocaine addiction or benefit them during detox. Improving the treatment of cocaine addiction would be a blessing to many. According to the 2019 World Drug…

Rehab 101: A “First Person” Account of the Nature of Addiction

Rehab 101: A “First Person” Account of the Nature of Addiction

If you’re anything like me — a person in recovery from a substance use disorder (aka addiction to alcohol and/or drugs) – you’ve had direct and likely protracted experience with the pain, loneliness, and despair that comes with the territory of having a chemical dependency. To help clarify any question you may have about the…

Facts to Consider Regarding Alcohol Detox if You Think You Have a Drinking Problem and Want to Quit

Facts to Consider Regarding Alcohol Detox if You Think You Have a Drinking Problem and Want to Quit

One of the primary symptoms of having an alcohol use disorder (*: see below for definition) is it tells us we don’t have a problem. Even when we reach for a bottle to “take the edge off.” Even when we lie to a loved one, employer or co-worker about our drinking. Even when we find…

Why Benzodiazepines May Be Helpful During Medical Detox for Alcohol Use Disorder

Overcoming an alcohol use disorder (addiction to alcohol) necessitates not only supportive guidance and sustained, devoted effort to positively change one’s behaviors and attitudes, but also the elimination of one’s physical dependence. In other words, to develop and maintain recovery from alcohol dependency, one must physically detox, as well as psychologically detox. The psychological part…

Reflections on Marijuana Addiction, Detoxing and Therapy Options

Reflections on Marijuana Addiction, Detoxing and Therapy Options

The legalization of marijuana in many states has made its use more common, thereby increasing the value of understanding the symptoms of marijuana addiction, what can happen when one stops its use (“detoxes”) and the treatment options that can help those who find they can’t stop without experiencing undesirable symptoms. The National Institute of on…

Female Nurses and Addiction – Some Statistics and Studies to Consider

Female Nurses and Addiction – Some Statistics and Studies to Consider

Given the stereotype that’s floated around for decades—”most nurses are women”—turns out to have statistics to back it up (per Health Career Institute figures, 9 out of 10 RNs are female)[1], it likely would prove beneficial for those treating healthcare professionals for addiction to consider a 2019 Vanderbilt University study’s findings about women and addiction.…