Reflections on Marijuana Addiction, Detoxing and Therapy Options

Reflections on Marijuana Addiction, Detoxing and Therapy Options

The legalization of marijuana in many states has made its use more common, thereby increasing the value of understanding the symptoms of marijuana addiction, what can happen when one stops its use (“detoxes”) and the treatment options that can help those who find they can’t stop without experiencing undesirable symptoms. The National Institute of on…

Rehab 101 — If You Could Recover on Your Own, You Already Would Have?

Rehab 101 — If You Could Recover on Your Own, You Already Would Have?

Typically, people who find their way into recovery—whether it be through a treatment center/rehab facility, a 12 Steps program or some combination of both—come in with some measure of humility. That is, having “reached the end of their rope” with their dependency on alcohol and/or drugs, they’ve likely faced a devastating array of problems:  …

woman learns about how to help a health care professional with a substance abuse disorder

How to Identify and Help a Health Care Professional with a Substance Use Disorder – PART TWO

How to Identify and Help a Health Care Professional with a Substance Use Disorder – PART TWO [Note to Reader: This post is “Part Two” of a 2-part blog-post. “Part One” is stored in the blog archives, and is recommended reading prior to this post.] If you’re a doctor or you’ve been a part of…

women learns about considerations regarding medical detox from opioids

Some Important Considerations Regarding Medical Detoxing from Opioids

Some Important Considerations Regarding Medical Detoxing from Opioids People seeking to break the vicious cycle of addiction to opioids (including prescription medications, such as oxycodone and fentanyl, or morphine, heroin, etc.) may derive great benefit from medical opiate detoxing, as an initial step forward in the recovery process. However, it should be noted detoxing is…

Professional talking to woman about detox

Seeking Detox Answers? Here are some of the Ins & Outs of Inpatient Detox

Seeking Detox Answers? Here are some of the Ins & Outs of Inpatient Detox For many people who have a substance use disorder, deciding to go into medically assisted drug detox can be an important—perhaps even vital—step in gaining freedom from active addiction. Given there are likely countless people with a drug dependency who are…