People sitting in a circle at a Tampa meth detox center

Attending a Tampa Meth Detox Center

Are you or a loved one struggling with meth addiction? Discover the compassionate and evidence-based meth detox program in Tampa, Florida, at BoardPrep Recovery Center®. We specialize in dual diagnosis treatment, offering holistic and individualized care to patients. Our Tampa meth detox services feature the latest medical and therapeutic techniques, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and…

a young man struggles to conceal the signs of his crystal meth abuse

The Signs of Crystal Meth Abuse

Crystal meth, also known as methamphetamine or meth, is a highly addictive stimulant drug. It is derived from amphetamines and is commonly used by individuals seeking a quick and intense high. Methamphetamine, much like amphetamines, produce increased energy and suppress appetite. Crystal meth, however, has a more potent and long-lasting effect. The long-term use of…