E-Cigarettes are very attractive for teens in today’s world. They are commonly known by different names including E-cigs, E-hookah, vape pens, vapes, tank system or mods etc.
With their increasing popularity, many health consequences from vaping are ignored as people wrongly consider vaping “harmless.” The following are some essential details every teen and parent should know that about vaping and use of E-cigarettes in any other form.
Facts about vaping and E-cigarette use
- E-Cigarettes are a way to inhale nicotine and Marijuana: With nicotine and marijuana, you are also consuming other harmful substances, including heavy metals such as lead, volatile organic compounds, and cancer-causing agents.
- E-Cigarettes come in different forms: Some resemble a pen, USB stick, or are made to look like everyday items. Larger products such as “Tanks” or “Mods” do not look like regular tobacco products.
- E-Cigarettes harm the developing brain: Vapes deliver nicotine which is especially harmful to the developing minds of teens and youth. Teens are especially vulnerable as these harms can last even to adulthood. People that Vape may experience similar damages to that of marijuana or alcohol.
Some common questions regarding Vaping
Q: Aren’t E-Cigarettes safer than smoking cigarettes or smokeless tobacco?
A: Regular cigarettes are incredibly fatal and can kill half of the people that smoke long-term. However, any form of tobacco usage, including vaping is harmful to youth and little is known about long term damage to the body. Early indications of lung damage and a gateway effect to other drugs are very concerning.
Q: Can’t E-Cigarettes help me quit smoking regular cigarettes?
A: There is no conclusive evidence that E-Cigarettes can help someone quit smoking for good. Among seven approved “quit aids” by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) E-cigarettes is not among any of them. In fact, there are indications that many who attempt to use vaping as a quit aid, end up consuming more nicotine by vaping.
Q: Don’t adults use vaping more than the youth?
A: Youth are more likely to Vape. In 2018, more than 3.6 million U.S middle and high school students used e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. 4.9% of these were middle school students while 20.8% were high school students.
Consider these before you take the risk.
- Know the law: In most states, you have to be at least 18 to buy any kind of Vape. While other states might require you to be 19 or 21, they are only legal for adults to purchase, this does not mean that they are safe or intended for young people.
- Know the risks: Nicotine is extremely addictive, and it can damage the developing brain. Young brains that consume nicotine can also be primed for addictions of other drugs such as cocaine or meth.
- Look around you: E-cigarettes are the most commonly used tobacco product among youth. However, four out of five U.S. students overestimate peer e-cigarette use. If you’ve never smoked or used other tobacco products or e-cigarettes, don’t start as you can fall into addiction.
E-cigarettes/Vapes are unsafe and harmful to young people. Be a friend and discourage your fellows for using Vape in any form. There can be dangerous health consequences if a young person uses nicotine or marijuana in the form of either smoking or even through e-cigarettes.
Prevention and Early Intervention with Teens is the Key
BoardPrep Recovery Center provides expert advice and dealing with vaping and E-cigarette use with teens. Understanding that teen vaping often leads to other substance use disorders and even addiction is important. BoardPrep’s services include an early intervention program for high school-age teens who may be showing early signs of problems. Contact a BoardPrep Recovery Center professional today by calling 866.796.4720 to find out more.