Do I Need TMS Therapy for Addiction Treatment

Do I Need TMS Therapy for Addiction Treatment?

Substance abuse and addiction are complex problems that can require a plurality of treatments to manage. One such treatment is transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS therapy. Primarily used in the treatment of depression, TMS stimulates nerves in the brain using magnetic impulses. However, using TMS therapy for addiction has also shown very promising results. If…

3 Benefits of TMS Therapy for Addiction

3 Benefits of TMS Therapy for Addiction

Transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS for short, is a non-invasive therapeutic technique that stimulates the brain in ways that work to reduce dependence on a drug. TMS can reduce cravings, improve impulse control, and reduce overall symptoms. It works by targeting the areas of the brain that influence drug-taking behavior. Learn more about what TMS…

woman on the phone getting help for finding tms therapy

Finding TMS Therapy in Tampa, Florida

Finding TMS therapy in Tampa, FL, is not as difficult as you may think. All it takes is connecting to an addiction treatment center that offers it. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is an innovative substance abuse treatment that targets brain activity which causes or perpetuates drug and alcohol abuse. Perhaps you or your loved one…