AMA Report Announces New Task Force to Address Substance Use and the Opioid Epidemic

AMA Report Announces New Task Force to Address Substance Use and the Opioid Epidemic

According to a recent American Medical Association (AMA) announcement titled, “2021 Overdose Epidemic Report,” while physicians, policymakers and those working in the field of professional healthcare across the country have followed the recommendations of two task forces set in motion by the AMA (operative between 2014 – 2019), the results have been mixed. The number…

Withdrawing from Amphetamines? Seek Medical Detox Support for a Safer, Smoother Road to Recovery

Withdrawing from Amphetamines? Seek Medical Detox Support for a Safer, Smoother Road to Recovery

Once you’ve stopped taking any addictive substance you’ve been dependent on, regardless of the amount of time, the body naturally goes through-… how shall we say it, an “adjustment period” while getting used to not having that substance flowing through its systems. Certainly, withdrawing from amphetamines is no exception. In fact, that initial period of…

ASAM Propose 12 Recommendations Regarding Doctors and Healthcare Workers with Substance Use Disorders

ASAM Propose 12 Recommendations Regarding Doctors and Healthcare Workers with Substance Use Disorders

In February 2020, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) made a public policy statement addressing medical doctors and other healthcare workers with substance use disorders (SUDs, a.k.a. chemical dependency or addiction). By pointing out both a) physicians and healthcare professionals are as prone to becoming addicted to alcohol and/or drugs as anyone, and b)…

woman speaking with healthcare professionals regarding addiction treatment

3 Benefits of an IOP for Healthcare Professionals

Addiction is a disease that can affect anyone, including healthcare professionals like nurses, doctors, psychiatrists, and clinicians. More and more addiction treatment centers have begun offering programs designed just for healthcare professionals. One of the most promising programs is IOP for professionals or an intensive outpatient program. IOP for healthcare professionals is a unique form…