Addiction treatment for doctors

Addiction Treatment for Doctors

Doctors have the highest rate of addiction out of all other professionals. More than 100,000 doctors in the United States struggle with drug abuse or addiction, and the most common drug of choice is a narcotic — oxycodone or fentanyl. Do you need to learn more about partial hospitalization for health professionals in Tampa? Call…

The Immediate Need for Alcohol Rehab for Doctors

The Immediate Need for Alcohol Rehab for Doctors

It may be surprising to learn that doctors are at increased risk of alcohol addiction or substance abuse. While medical settings are characteristically intense, the spread of COVID-19 and the ongoing pandemic has over-extended an already strained medical system. This strain results in greater pressures on doctors and other medical professionals. Rising cases of alcohol…

The Need for Rehab for Medical Professionals

The Need for Rehab for Medical Professionals

Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals may abuse alcohol or drugs for various reasons. Some may need to cope with the pressures of the job. Others may be trying to stay alert during long, demanding shifts. Whatever the reason, there is an increasing demand for drug rehab for medical professionals. While addiction can be isolating,…

woman speaking with healthcare professionals regarding addiction treatment

3 Benefits of an IOP for Healthcare Professionals

Addiction is a disease that can affect anyone, including healthcare professionals like nurses, doctors, psychiatrists, and clinicians. More and more addiction treatment centers have begun offering programs designed just for healthcare professionals. One of the most promising programs is IOP for professionals or an intensive outpatient program. IOP for healthcare professionals is a unique form…

a health professional effects addicted professionals

How an IOP Benefits Addicted Professionals

IOP is an addiction treatment level of care that fits well with working individuals’ schedules. They can seek recovery assistance while maintaining a career. For anyone who struggles with addiction but must keep working, IOP could serve as an answer. To learn more about this treatment option, please contact BoardPrep Recovery Center today at 866.796.4720.…

A POV About Treatment and Recovery for Those in The Healthcare Industry

A POV About Treatment and Recovery for Those in The Healthcare Industry

Most people would agree: Being a healthcare worker—especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic—isn’t a career for the faint of heart. Doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals shoulder a lot of responsibility and regularly work in demanding, high-pressure environments. (I can’t imagine a more stressful place to work, these days, than a hospital or medical clinic.)…

anxious nurse sitting in hospital hallway with hand on her chin

Alcohol Treatment or Drug Rehab for Nurses Offers Help for Those at Risk of Losing Their Nursing License

While doing research for the last blog-post I posted here (“Don’t Give Up Hope: What to Do if You Fail a DOT Drug Test”), I became aware of the many similarities between the consequences commercial drivers (i.e., truck drivers, bus drivers, etc.) face if they fail a drug test and the consequences nurses face. What…