trauma informed care professional recovery high-stress careers

Trauma-Informed Care & High-Stress Careers

Trauma-informed care is crucial for professional recovery. It recognizes trauma’s significant impact on mental health, behavior, and functioning in high-stress environments. For professionals in demanding careers like healthcare, law, and corporate leadership, addressing trauma is key to sustainable recovery. It is also vital for maintaining long-term wellbeing. Here’s why trauma-informed care is essential in this…

PHPs Help Most Family Medicine Physicians with SUD Successfully Recover

PHPs Help Most Family Medicine Physicians with SUD Successfully Recover

In 2017, Dr. John S. Rose and his team at the University of California, Davis Health System looked into data from a 5-year study. They wanted to see how U.S. physician health programs (PHPs) help doctors with substance use disorders. Their focus was on comparing family medicine physicians (FMPs) in recovery to other doctors. Research…

a doctor with a clipboard smiles as she considers physician health programs for addicted doctors

Physician Health Programs for Addicted Doctors

Physician health programs for addicted doctors are effective in helping healthcare professionals recover from addiction, a study conducted on physician health programs reveals. These programs provide a structured and supportive environment in which healthcare professionals can detoxify and receive treatment for their addiction. It also provides a forum for physician health professionals to share their…

A stressed nurse crouching to the floor

Healthcare Professionals & Job Stress: Risks Extend to Patients

Pressure on healthcare professionals is associated with higher risk With the recent pandemic, the pressure on healthcare professionals soared. Many turned to substances to cope with the stress, sleep loss, and constant exposure to illness and death. It’s estimated that 10%-15% of healthcare workers may face substance abuse issues during their careers, with some substances…

Group of people in a private drug rehab center

Private Drug Rehab Centers

When someone faces drug addiction, they have many important decisions to make regarding treatment. One decision consists of choosing between public and private treatment centers. The following material will discuss some of the benefits associated with private drug rehab centers in more detail. At BoardPrep Recovery Center, we understand the challenges that lie in store…

a group of people talk about entering drug rehab programs for professionals

Drug Rehab Programs for Professionals

Licensed health professionals don’t get some special immunity from addiction. In fact, some experts suggest that between 10-15% will experience some form of substance abuse or dependence. While this is consistent with the regular population, it’s especially dangerous among healthcare providers because drugs and alcohol impair judgment. Treating their addiction requires a unique drug rehab…

a woman looking out her window thinking about how she is a professional in recovery

Fear Losing Your Medical or Nursing License for Entering Treatment?

A significant number of doctors, nurses, and physicians are likely to struggle with addiction at some point in their careers. As such, medical professionals struggle with alcohol abuse and addiction at rates that are similar to, or slightly higher than, the general public. There are certainly a wide-ranging set of problems associated with having a…

The Immediate Need for Alcohol Rehab for Doctors

The Immediate Need for Alcohol Rehab for Doctors

It may be surprising to learn that doctors are at increased risk of alcohol addiction or substance abuse. While medical settings are characteristically intense, the spread of COVID-19 and the ongoing pandemic has over-extended an already strained medical system. This strain results in greater pressures on doctors and other medical professionals. Rising cases of alcohol…

group entering treatment for professionals

How to Choose the Best Drug Treatment for Professionals

Professionals struggling with addiction need help just like anyone else. More and more addiction treatment centers have begun offering treatment for professionals. The specialized care and unique approach in these programs give professionals the best chance at experiencing life transformation that shatters the bonds of addiction. Finding the right drug treatment for professionals is the…

woman speaking with healthcare professionals regarding addiction treatment

3 Benefits of an IOP for Healthcare Professionals

Addiction is a disease that can affect anyone, including healthcare professionals like nurses, doctors, psychiatrists, and clinicians. More and more addiction treatment centers have begun offering programs designed just for healthcare professionals. One of the most promising programs is IOP for professionals or an intensive outpatient program. IOP for healthcare professionals is a unique form…