Rehab 101 — How it Could Benefit Me to Be Open to Getting Guidance for my Thinking

Rehab 101 — How it Could Benefit Me to Be Open to Getting Guidance for my Thinking

Very rarely do we see people come into recovery from addiction brimming with positivity, honesty and a caring attitude toward others. Instead, it’s much more typical to find “newcomers” feeling weighted down by distrust and defensiveness, callousness and alienation (if not resentment and malevolence), and a substantial amount of self-centeredness. However, as the saying goes,…

group of hands in the middle for addiction recovery

Rehab 101: We Need “We” to Recover!

“Nothing truly valuable can be achieved except by the unselfish cooperation of many individuals.” – Albert Einstein While talking with a friend in recovery yesterday, he mentioned how important it was to him early on—when he first got into treatment for substance abuse—to let go of his intense grip on “self-sufficiency,” a character trait upon…

young man sharing thoughts in group therapy for recovery

Rehab 101: The Importance of Sharing, Opening Up, Confiding and Trusting

“Nature never sends a great man into the ground without confiding the secret to another soul.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson   The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “confide” as follows: ‘to trust’ And it defines “trust” as: ‘reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something’ So, what does confiding in someone, trusting someone,…

woman gazing out window ready for addiction recovery

Rehab 101: When Facing “Resistance to Change” in Body, Mind or Spirit, Open-Mindedness and Willingness are Key

“Change is never painful. Only the resistance to change is painful.” – Buddha So often in early addiction recovery (or later for that matter, after months and years of being sober/clean), we find ourselves facing either relationship issues, work-related matters or other “life situations” that require us to change how we’ve approached them in the…