rehab admissions at BoardPrep

Recovery Support

813-600-7929 Home-visits & “In-community recovery-support” “Where do you keep you prescription medications? May I see? Is there any alcohol in the home right now? Where is the closest AA meeting place? What family members, friends or other visitors might bring alcohol or drugs to the house?” . . . These questions are asked to patients…

ASAM Criteria

ASAM Criteria are utilized clinically, for multi-dimensional assessment and level-of-care recommendations  About ASAM Continuum of Care (American Society of Addiction Medicine) BoardPREP services span ASAM level 0.5 to level 2.5, which include Intensive Day Treatment with monitored Recovery Residence based on the ASAM Criteria. “IOP”, Monitoring and Recovery Support 95% of substance use and co-occurring disorders…

mental health and addiction treatment programs for professionals

What are “best practices”

Best practices alcohol and drug rehab 13 principles of effective treatment (National Institutes of Health, NIDA 1999) NIDA Principal BoardPrep 1. Varied treatment approaches ✔ 2. Treatment is readily available ✔ 3. Attends to multiple needs, not just drug use ✔ 4. Continuous assessment and modification of plan ✔ 5. Adequate duration of time in…


BoardPrep Recovery is based on the PHP model (Physician Health Programs) which is recognized for producing an 80% success rate. Intellectual inquiry and clinical application of the latest addiction treatment research findings is in BoardPrep’s DNA.  We are passionate about making treatment more engaging and effective. BoardPrep Recovery Center is based on the highly successful…

rehab admissions at BoardPrep

Understanding Diagnostic Interplay

“Over-diagnosis and under-diagnosis are real problems in psychiatry. The true diagnostic picture usually begins to emerge after detoxification and some time. Many of the diagnoses need to be teased out over several sessions.” BoardPrep’s experts provide integrated and concurrent treatment for: Anxiety Mood Attention Sleep Pain Post-acute withdrawal BoardPrep tailors recovery plans with awareness and respect…