Workplace burnout often leads to alcohol addiction. Overwhelming workloads, too many responsibilities, and stressful workplace relationships often lead an employee to seek temporary escape through alcohol. When alcohol use turns into dependence, alcohol rehab for professionals provides help for overcoming addiction.
Professionals face unique challenges when it comes to addiction in the workplace. When your job becomes a primary reason you drink, a targeted treatment program can help you find a solution that protects your health and career.
BoardPrep Recovery Center offers addiction treatment for working professionals. Give us a call today at 866.796.4720 to learn more about getting help for alcohol use and burnout at BoardPrep Recovery Center.
What Is Burnout?
Burnout is the mental and emotional state of being drained or overwhelmed. Working professionals can be susceptible to burnout due to numerous stressors in the workplace, from workload to performance issues to office relationships.
Burnout takes a heavy toll on all areas of life. A person who feels burnt out due to their job may experience the following:
- Feeling overwhelmed or exhausted
- Feeling hopelessness or despair
- Feeling numb
- Stress or anxiety
- Depression
- Suicidal thoughts
- Physical health issues
- Issues in personal relationships
Burnout is a serious sign that something isn’t working. The attempt to ignore or push through feelings of burnout often leads to further issues, like the development of a substance use disorder.
The Relationship Between Burnout and Addiction in the Workplace
Workplace burnout takes you to a mental and emotional state where you feel like you can’t handle your job anymore. Yet, for many reasons, walking away from a job is often not a practical solution.
Whether it’s due to career goals, financial need, or some other reason, being trapped at a job that has you feeling burnt out isn’t a sustainable way to live. Eventually, you just can’t take it anymore.
At the end of yet another exhausting, draining day, a drink can make stress and all the negative feelings associated with burnout seem to fade away. One drink turns into another, and soon you depend on alcohol to help you make it through the day. This relationship between alcohol and burnout is often how addiction in the workplace develops.
Alcohol Use and Dependence
The body quickly builds a tolerance to alcohol, which means that increasing amounts are needed to feel the same effects. After a point, you become physically dependent.
Alcohol dependence leaves you struggling with withdrawal symptoms when you try to cut back or stop drinking, and once the effects of the alcohol have worn off, feelings of burnout come back, often much stronger than they were before drinking. What started as one drink after work can easily progress to drinking before or even during work.
Misusing alcohol doesn’t make workplace burnout go away. Instead, it can make all aspects of your life worse. If you think you’ve developed an alcohol addiction to cope with burnout, a treatment program can help you stop drinking and find a solution to the burnout that led to alcohol dependence in the first place.
Rehab for Professionals at BoardPrep Recovery Center
If you’re a professional struggling with alcohol and burnout, BoardPrep Recovery Center can help. We offer an addiction treatment program designed specifically for working professionals.
Our treatment team will work with you to provide support for alcohol use disorder. We’ll also help you identify why burnout has occurred and help you create a roadmap to achieving a more fulfilling and balanced relationship with your career.
Burnout and alcohol addiction both make life feel unbearable. Make changes that leave you feeling fulfilled instead of overwhelmed by calling 866.796.4720 today and asking about rehab at BoardPrep Recovery Center.