Doctors and Nurses with Substance Abuse Disorders Put Patients at Risk

Doctors and Nurses with Substance Abuse Disorders Put Patients at Risk

When healthcare workers become dependent upon the very drugs intended to help their patients, disaster is right around the corner. And the problem is not limited to just a few doctors and nurses addicted to painkillers. Indeed, survey results indicate 1 out of 10 healthcare workers (10%) will experience substance abuse or addiction issues during…

How Aware Are We That America Has a Drinking Problem?

How Aware Are We That America Has a Drinking Problem?

In a recent article in The Atlantic entitled, “America Has a Drinking Problem,” author Kate Julian begins by pointing out alcohol consumption in the U.S. has risen steadily since 2000, and the longstanding societal effects of COVID-19 have shifted our nation’s drinking habits in the ‘more so’ direction. “(Prior to the pandemic) you might have…