Business Professionals Who Struggle with Addiction Can Find Recovery in Executive Drug Rehab

Business Professionals Who Struggle with Addiction Can Find Recovery in Executive Drug Rehab

populations who struggle with addiction, many seemingly successful individuals also struggle with this condition. High-achieving, wealthy people in white-collar careers experience substance use disorders at high rates, often beginning drug abuse as students and then continuing the problem when they enter a competitive, stressful workforce. Some professions that involve stressful lifestyles are at greater risk…

Doctors and Nurses with Substance Abuse Disorders Put Patients at Risk

Doctors and Nurses with Substance Abuse Disorders Put Patients at Risk

When healthcare workers become dependent upon the very drugs intended to help their patients, disaster is right around the corner. And the problem is not limited to just a few doctors and nurses addicted to painkillers. Indeed, survey results indicate 1 out of 10 healthcare workers (10%) will experience substance abuse or addiction issues during…

How Aware Are We That America Has a Drinking Problem?

How Aware Are We That America Has a Drinking Problem?

In a recent article in The Atlantic entitled, “America Has a Drinking Problem,” author Kate Julian begins by pointing out alcohol consumption in the U.S. has risen steadily since 2000, and the longstanding societal effects of COVID-19 have shifted our nation’s drinking habits in the ‘more so’ direction. “(Prior to the pandemic) you might have…

New NIDA Study Shows Medication Treatment for Opioid Addiction Can Help Prevent Overdose Death

New NIDA Study Shows Medication Treatment for Opioid Addiction Can Help Prevent Overdose Death

The findings of recent research by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) demonstrate both the potentially lifer-saving value of getting medically assisted treatment if you have an opioid use disorder (OUD, a.k.a. opioid dependency or addiction). In the study, of the roughly 50,000 adults who received outpatient treatment for opioid use disorder, there were…

How Addiction Includes Added Challenges for Professionals

How Addiction Includes Added Challenges for Professionals

So often in recovery circles we hear someone say, “I’ve had to preserve my self-image at all costs. Because if anyone found out about my problem (with drinking and/or drugs), it would ruin me.” And more often than not, it’s a professional in some field—typically a doctor or nurse or lawyer or business executive—with a…

Rehab 101 – 6 Ways to Develop Spirituality as Part of Your Recovery

Rehab 101 – 6 Ways to Develop Spirituality as Part of Your Recovery

Given the culture we live in today, with what seems to be its increasing tendencies toward commercialism, materialism and secularism, many of us who seek recovery from a substance use disorder (a.k.a. chemical dependency, addiction to alcohol or drugs) find it surprising to hear that developing spirituality, living according to spiritual principles, and/or nourishing our…

young adult gets dual diagnosis treatment

How Dual Diagnosis Treatment Benefits Young Adults

Young adulthood is a period of emotional, biological, and mental development. It also is the life stage that sees the onset of mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and mood swings. The enormous change, matched with growing independence, that young adults often experience sometimes results in exposure to addictive substances. Exposure can…

Rehab 101 — How it Could Benefit Me to Be Open to Getting Guidance for my Thinking

Rehab 101 — How it Could Benefit Me to Be Open to Getting Guidance for my Thinking

Very rarely do we see people come into recovery from addiction brimming with positivity, honesty and a caring attitude toward others. Instead, it’s much more typical to find “newcomers” feeling weighted down by distrust and defensiveness, callousness and alienation (if not resentment and malevolence), and a substantial amount of self-centeredness. However, as the saying goes,…