A woman worried that alcohol and decision making are linked

How Alcohol Can Impact Your Decision Making

It’s no secret that there’s a relationship between alcohol and decision-making. Most people know that alcohol use lowers inhibitions, leading people to say and do things that they usually wouldn’t. When alcohol use turns into dependence, alcohol addiction treatment for professionals can get you back on track. BoardPrep Recovery Center® offers alcohol abuse detox and…

A therapist comforts a patient suffering from opioid abuse

Treating Opioid Abuse

Opioid prescription drug dependence can happen easily, often without a person realizing they’ve become dependent. Sadly, opioid abuse can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms when you try to kick the habit. Fortunately, medically supervised opioid detox in Tampa, FL, offers the tools and support needed to stop opioid use safely and effectively. BoardPrep Recovery Center®

A woman dealing with depression at work

Recognizing Depression at Work

Can your job make you depressed? The answer is a resounding “yes,” and workplace depression is more common than you might think. Depression at work doesn’t usually go away on its own. Depression treatment for professionals can provide support with handling work-related depression so that your job doesn’t leave you feeling drained. BoardPrep Recovery Center®

Doctor discusses cocaine and alcohol use with a patient

Dangers of Mixing Cocaine and Alcohol

Most people know that abusing alcohol and cocaine is bad for your health, but understanding why using these two substances at the same time is so dangerous isn’t always as well known. Cocaine addiction treatment in Tampa can provide support for overcoming cocaine abuse—before recreational cocaine and alcohol use have a fatal outcome. BoardPrep Recovery…

A man dealing with alcohol and burnout in the workplace

Using Alcohol to Deal with Burnout

Workplace burnout often leads to alcohol addiction. Overwhelming workloads, too many responsibilities, and stressful workplace relationships often lead an employee to seek temporary escape through alcohol. When alcohol use turns into dependence, alcohol rehab for professionals provides help for overcoming addiction. Professionals face unique challenges when it comes to addiction in the workplace. When your…

A young woman binge drinking in college

Binge Drinking in College Concerns

Almost everyone who attends college enjoys some newfound adult freedom while there. This is part of growing up. While on campus, 80% of college students drink alcohol, even underage. For almost half of these, binge drinking in college cause friends and loved ones great concern. The problems don’t end with graduation. Binge drinking behavior can…