Why Benzodiazepines May Be Helpful During Medical Detox for Alcohol Use Disorder

Overcoming an alcohol use disorder (addiction to alcohol) necessitates not only supportive guidance and sustained, devoted effort to positively change one’s behaviors and attitudes, but also the elimination of one’s physical dependence. In other words, to develop and maintain recovery from alcohol dependency, one must physically detox, as well as psychologically detox. The psychological part…

Teens Suffering from Psychosis Due to Marijuana Use

Teens Suffering from Psychosis Due to Marijuana Use

The United States is steadily accepting marijuana as a legal recreational drug, but is it the right choice when it comes to vulnerable teens? Marijuana-related psychosis is slowly creeping into emergency rooms and addiction treatment centers. Patients suffering from THC related psychosis are getting younger and younger, too. Older teens are entering alcohol and drug…