Group of people in a private drug rehab center

Private Drug Rehab Centers

When someone faces drug addiction, they have many important decisions to make regarding treatment. One decision consists of choosing between public and private treatment centers. The following material will discuss some of the benefits associated with private drug rehab centers in more detail. At BoardPrep Recovery Center, we understand the challenges that lie in store…

Man thinking about narcotics vs. opiates

Narcotics vs. Opiates

What are the qualities of narcotics vs. opiates? “Narcotics” is a catch-all term referring to painkillers that dull the senses. Opiates refer to substances made from natural opiates and synthetic products called opioids. Today, the term narcotics also covers opiates. If you want to stop using narcotics, BoardPrep Recovery Center’s opiate detox program in Tampa, FL…

A woman pondering the idea of DBT techniques

DBT Techniques for Treating Substance Use Disorders

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a type of psychotherapy used in addiction recovery. Psychologist Marsha M. Linehan developed the therapy to treat suicidality. Now substance abuse treatment centers in Tampa, FL, and elsewhere, use DBT techniques as first-line treatment for severe forms of mental disorders. They include those who don’t respond to standard treatments, such…

A woman thinking about detoxing from fentanyl

Don’t Try Detoxing from Fentanyl at Home

The amount of media attention that has been devoted to the pandemic may obscure the longevity and potential danger of another national problem: the opioid epidemic. Indeed, addiction to opioid drugs—including fentanyl, an extremely potent opioid—has continued to rise in recent years. Unfortunately, fentanyl addiction is far too common, and this addiction can be deadly.…