Alcohol is one of the most popular and widely used drugs in the US, in large part because it’s legal. Unfortunately, it’s also the most widely abused substances in the US as well. It accounts for nearly ¾ of all substance abuse disorders in the country. Given how widespread a problem it is, it’s important for everyone to know the signs of alcoholism.
Early Signs of Alcoholism: Drinking to Excess
Almost anyone can drink too much every once in a while if they aren’t monitoring how many drinks they have. Alcoholics drink too much on a regular basis, which is one of the most obvious signs of alcoholism. For binge drinkers, that means getting falling down drunk every weekend. For non-binge drinkers, that can mean drinking until you’re drunk multiple times per week.
High Tolerance and Signs of Alcoholism
An alcoholic’s body, just like other types of drug users, adapts over time to the amount of alcohol a person drinks. This is a tolerance. Someone with a high tolerance might drink three or four beers with no apparent change in their behavior. It requires more and more alcohol for a person to reach the euphoric state they expect from alcohol.
Ignoring Responsibilities
Ignoring important responsibilities is another of the major signs of alcoholism. As a person’s need for alcohol grows, it slowly becomes the center of their life. They often neglect work in favor of spending their time drinking. They may also neglect bills and ignore family events.
Defensiveness about Drinking
Another of the signs of alcoholism you can watch for is a person getting defensive about their drinking. The person will downplay the extent of their drinking or claim they need it to decompress from work stress. If you confront someone about drinking too much, they may respond by drinking in secret.
Continuing Drinking Despite Personal Signs of Alcoholism
Alcoholics will continue drinking in spite of any number of problems that might stem from it. Reprimands at work won’t trigger a reduction in drinking. Obvious stresses in personal or family relationships also won’t alter their behavior. Even a full-blown personal financial crisis won’t prevent an alcoholic from finding a way to drink.
Legal Problems
Alcoholics often make reckless decisions that lead to legal problems. For example, if someone drinks and drives they may get arrested for DUI or DWI. This has the immediate consequence of a night in jail, along with the potential for serious fines and loss of driving privileges after the court date.
By necessity, alcohol addiction treatment must begin with detox. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms like delirium tremens, seizures, and hallucinations make it potentially dangerous or life-threatening to detox without medical help.
You go from detox into a rehab center for treatment for your signs of alcoholism. Most alcohol addiction treatment programs are day-night or outpatient programs. The ready availability of alcohol makes a structured, alcohol-free environment crucial in the initial stages of recovery. While in rehab, you participate in many treatment approaches, including:
- CBT and DBT
- Group Therapy
- Individual Therapy
- Dual Diagnosis Treatments
- Life Skills and Coping Skills
The idea is that you stand a better chance of maintaining your sobriety if you have a range of tools at your disposal.
BoardPrep Recovery Center
BoardPrep Recovery Center is an alcohol addiction treatment center Tampa FL can trust. Moreover, BoardPrep offers standard rehab programs as well as treatment programs specifically tailored for medical professionals.
Don’t let signs of alcoholism run the rest of your life. With help from an excellent alcohol addiction treatment program, you can step away from alcohol and take your life in a new direction. Call 8667964720 today and see how BoardPrep can help you onto the road to recovery.