Dual diagnosis treatment centers specialize in treating a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder simultaneously. Many rehab programs exclusively treat addiction and consider mental health concerns secondary to recovery. Dual diagnosis treatment programs instead focus on the importance of dealing with both issues simultaneously. This method offers the best chances at mental and physical transformation for people in recovery. Call BoardPrep Recovery Center at 866.796.4720 to get your questions answered about dual diagnosis treatment in Tampa, Florida.
The Co-Occurrence of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
An emphasis on dual diagnosis treatment wouldn’t be necessary if mental health and substance abuse didn’t co-occur as often as they do. So why do these disorders so often go hand in hand? Research offers three reasons that mental health and addictions end up paired in so many cases.
- Shared risk factors — Mental health and addiction risk factors often overlap. Some of the most influential factors include genetics, environmental elements, and a history of trauma.
- Mental health disorders can cause substance abuse — One of the most significant ways this can happen is when people use substances to self-medicate for symptoms of a mental health disorder.
- Substance abuse can cause mental health issues — Substance use can alter brain function in ways that leave people more susceptible to developing a mental health disorder.
Some mental health disorders are proven to overlap with substance abuse more often than others. These include depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia. As soon as mental health and substance abuse appear together, separately treating them is unlikely to produce results.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs
The purpose of any dual diagnosis treatment program is to address clients’ mental health and substance abuse disorders fully. They are too intertwined to treat in isolation and deserve a comprehensive approach that tackles the root causes of each issue. Due to the complexity of dual diagnosis treatment, programs often lean toward inpatient treatment.
Dual diagnosis treatment is also an integrated approach for recognizing the interplay of people’s mental, physical, and psychological health. Using such an integrated treatment protocol is considered best practice by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Furthermore, research shows that integrative methodology treatments result in higher client engagement and success rates in recovery.
Multiple therapeutic techniques play a role in dual diagnosis programs. Some of the most commonly used are:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Contingency management
- Motivational interviewing
Moreover, integrated methods are not specific to a certain point in recovery. They are utilized starting in detox and extending through rehab into aftercare and beyond.
Effective Therapies in Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Dual diagnosis treatment centers rely on the practical implementation of evidence-based, high-quality therapies. The four most common therapies outlined in the previous section deserve a more fleshed-out explanation. Cognitive-behavioral therapy works to unearth and reformat the thoughts and behaviors that drive someone’s adverse outcomes. It is a root cause therapy.
Meanwhile, dialectical behavior therapy focuses on reducing harmful, dangerous behaviors that accompany personality disorders. Its usage is more prominent when a condition like schizophrenia is part of someone’s dual diagnosis. Contingency management aims to produce healthier behavior through a reward system that incentivizes specific actions. Lastly, motivational interviewing tries to examine people’s foundational desires and fears to help them find what will motivate them to overcome their addiction.
Learn More at BoardPrep Recovery Center Today
BoardPrep Recovery Center in Tampa, Florida, implements a comprehensive approach to dual diagnosis treatment. Our dual diagnosis treatment center specializes in men’s rehab, women’s rehab, young adult rehab, family services, and court and hospital services. Contact us online or at 866.796.4720 to learn more about how dual diagnosis treatment can help you or a loved one to chart a path toward a better future.