When dealing with a substance abuse issue, addicted professionals must deal with it differently. Being a professional puts addiction in a completely different light and calls for distinctive addiction treatment solutions. There are many professionals who are addicted to some substance or another, but people often don’t realize the extent of their problem. Sometimes professionals hide their addiction and don’t get the help they need right away. However, even though the addiction treatment may be different, it’s still critical to seek rehab for professionals as soon as possible.
Are you a businessman, doctor, nurse, or lawyer who is struggling with drugs or alcohol abuse? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of individuals are struggling with similar issues. As a result, the experts at BoardPrep Recovery have developed a professional treatment program to help people struggling with addiction. To learn more about this treatment option, reach out to our team at 866.796.4720 today.
Why Addiction Treatment Is Different for Professionals
When considering why addiction treatment must be different for professionals, it’s essential to understand how it affects professionals.
When addicted professionals become addicted to a substance, their first instinct may be denial. They may convince themself that as a professional, there is no way that they could struggle with addiction. However, evidence shows that plenty of businesspeople become addicted to some substance or another.
It’s also likely that addicted professionals will try to hide their addiction from others because of embarrassment, shame, fear, or a combination of these emotions. They may worry about losing their job or status if anyone finds out about their issue.
Finally, addicted professionals have a full work life that they can’t afford to lose. This can complicate rehab, or so they think. However, there are ways that addicted professionals can get the help they need through addiction rehab for professionals.
Addiction treatment needs to cater to the specific and unique needs of professionals. They will require a rehab facility that can work with them on securing family medical leave or disability insurance claims.
It’s also critical to have a treatment program capable of helping professionals address their distinct issues. Sometimes addicted professionals may need assistance regaining their position back, especially if they are in the health field. Making the transition from rehab to a working environment can be challenging. With proper therapy and resources, the challenges can be met and overcome.
How Professionals Can Get Started
As a business professional struggling with an addiction issue, finding the right treatment program is critical to the healing journey. As the individual takes that first step forward and admit there is a need, they’ll be on the right path to sobriety.
There are plenty of programs designed specifically for professionals, and some rehab treatment programs may even facilitate remote work while the person is going through the process.
A person can begin the admissions process by contacting a rehab center for professionals and talking to the intake coordinator. The coordinator will ask some questions about the situation, which will all be kept confidential. They will also verify the person’s insurance, making one less thing for the person to do.
Next, someone on the intake team will provide an assessment to determine what treatment program will work best for the individual.
Rehab for Professionals at BoardPrep Recovery Center
Begin the healing journey through therapy by checking out BoardPrep Recovery Center. At our treatment center, we have expert staff using evidence-based therapies.
Our team will customize a plan for each patient that includes a treatment plan. Some of these therapies include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Family therapy program
- Holistic therapy treatment
- TMS therapy for addiction
If you are an addicted professional, take time to help yourself by reaching out to a rehab facility. Contact BoardPrep Recovery Center at 866.796.4720, or contact us online for more information.