Biden’s New Administration Signals Support of Treatment and Prevention When Addressing Upswing in America’s Drug Epidemic

Biden’s New Administration Signals Support of Treatment and Prevention When Addressing Upswing in America’s Drug Epidemic

  While CDC statistics indicate the COVID-19 pandemic is nowhere near fading away—nearly 4,000 people died of COVID-related illness during the week ending 11/21/20[1]—President-elect Joe Biden and his incoming administration will need to address another health crisis, as well: the nation’s drug epidemic is back on the rise. According to a recent article, however,…

Are You a Healthcare Professional Trying to “Hold Your Liquor” (or Other Substances) During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Are You a Healthcare Professional Trying to “Hold Your Liquor” (or Other Substances) During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

PART TWO: About Treatment Designed Specifically to Help You Anyone who has experienced their life being “taken over” and dictated by the obsession and compulsion to drink or use drugs knows just how much loss can be involved: the loss of one’s serenity and sanity, self-esteem, self-worth and health, one’s relationship with a spouse, family,…

detox center specialist meeting with woman about help during a pandemic

Detox Centers—Especially During Pandemic—Provide Vital Services to Those Seeking Sobriety

Given the “double-whammy” for those trying to get and stay sober/clean from a substance abuse disorder, while in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the availability of local medical detox centers can mean the difference between life and death for many. Fortunately, many of the centers that closed or significantly limited their services when the…

woman thinking about reaching out for addiction help

A Checklist to See if It’s Time for You to Seek Help: Part 1

Are You a Healthcare Professional Trying to “Hold Your Liquor” (or Other Substances) During the COVID-19 Pandemic? It’s clear on so many levels the COVID-19 pandemic has taken an especially hard toll on healthcare professionals, severely taxing them emotionally, mentally and physically. The stress and strain comes in the context of them simply “doing their…

doctor explaining opioid addiction treatment

Insufficient Supply of Qualified Doctors Nationally Hampers Opioid Addiction Treatment

BOARDPREP MEETS THE CHALLENGE IN TAMPA BAY With the number of opioid overdose deaths rising in many states since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic[1], a longstanding “supply” issue has gained more attention, including in the halls of Congress. The supply in question? Doctors and clinicians who can prescribe buprenorphine. Given the explosion of cases…

woman walking down street during pandemic worried about overdose deaths

Latest Data Indicates Pandemic Spurring Rise in Overdose Deaths

“The concerns we have are related to the big challenges people are facing right now with COVID-19: isolation and uncertainty resulting in very high levels of stress.” — Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA)   According to a White House drug policy office analysis, there was a significant rise (11.4%)…

woman using laptop for telehealth drug rehab during covid-19

Safety First: COVID-19 Testing of Incoming Rehab Patients and Increased Use of Virtual Addiction Treatment and Mental Health Services

Given the rising need for addiction treatment and mental health services due to the increased stress and strain of the COVID-19 pandemic—both on individuals and society as a whole—BoardPrep Recovery Center, located in Tampa, Florida, is taking extra precautions and establishing solid safeguards at its residential treatment facility, as well as increasing use of outpatient…

nurse wearing surgical mask during the covid-19 pandemic

Reflections on COVID-19 Pandemic and Increasing Access to Treatment for Doctors and Nurses Seeking Recovery from Alcohol or Drug Abuse

“It’s not stress that kills us; it’s our reaction to it.” – Hans Selye, Nobel Prize-nominated endocrinologist, coined the physiological term “stress” On February 29, 2020, the first COVID-19 death was reported in the U.S.[1] In the nine weeks since that date, the coronavirus has caused more than 68,000 deaths with over 1.17 million confirmed…

man and woman smiling knowing about covid-19 pandemic and rehab

Don’t Let the COVID-19 Pandemic Stop You from Going to Rehab — 9 Good Reasons to “Go” Plus Some Thoughts & Statistics to Consider

Sure, the current coronavirus pandemic is nothing to sneeze at (pun intended). On March 5th, 2020, the CDC had reported there were 100 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S., with 11 deaths attributed to the disease. As of yesterday (4/27/20), just seven weeks later, there have been nearly 1 million confirmed cases and over…