doctor struggling with being one of the many addicted professionals

The Dangers of Addiction Among Medical Professionals

Addiction can affect everyone. That even applies to medical professionals who have dedicated their careers to supporting people’s health and wellness. Addicted professionals need help just like anyone else struggling with addiction. An awareness of the unique dangers that present for medical professionals can help avoid addiction altogether or at the very least support in…

Doctors and Nurses with Substance Abuse Disorders Put Patients at Risk

Doctors and Nurses with Substance Abuse Disorders Put Patients at Risk

When healthcare workers become dependent upon the very drugs intended to help their patients, disaster is right around the corner. And the problem is not limited to just a few doctors and nurses addicted to painkillers. Indeed, survey results indicate 1 out of 10 healthcare workers (10%) will experience substance abuse or addiction issues during…

a health professional effects addicted professionals

How an IOP Benefits Addicted Professionals

IOP is an addiction treatment level of care that fits well with working individuals’ schedules. They can seek recovery assistance while maintaining a career. For anyone who struggles with addiction but must keep working, IOP could serve as an answer. To learn more about this treatment option, please contact BoardPrep Recovery Center today at 866.796.4720.…