PHPs Help Most Family Medicine Physicians with SUD Successfully Recover

PHPs Help Most Family Medicine Physicians with SUD Successfully Recover

In 2017, Dr. John S. Rose and his team at the University of California, Davis Health System looked into data from a 5-year study. They wanted to see how U.S. physician health programs (PHPs) help doctors with substance use disorders. Their focus was on comparing family medicine physicians (FMPs) in recovery to other doctors. Research…

A stressed nurse crouching to the floor

Healthcare Professionals & Job Stress: Risks Extend to Patients

Pressure on healthcare professionals is associated with higher risk With the recent pandemic, the pressure on healthcare professionals soared. Many turned to substances to cope with the stress, sleep loss, and constant exposure to illness and death. It’s estimated that 10%-15% of healthcare workers may face substance abuse issues during their careers, with some substances…

Woman enjoying new life in Recovery

Rehab 101 – 3 Basic Tools to Use Every Day to Maintain Your New Life in Recovery

If you’re anything like me, you know your early days in recovery and the time you spent learning about addiction and recovery (whether in treatment or 12 Steps fellowships or both) were priceless, offering you an entire toolbox full of perspectives and practices for establishing a foundation for a new way of life, free from…

Visibly upset person wearing a face mask

Pandemic-Fueled Restrictions, Isolation, Harder to Get Treatment All Precipitate Highest Recorded Overdose Deaths Toll, Per Experts

According to a just-released estimate by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a record number of drug overdose deaths were reported this past year—93,000—a 29% increase over the previous record (in 2019).[1] Brandon Marshall, a Brown University public health researcher who tracks overdose trends, said, “This is a staggering loss of human life. The nation…

New NIDA Study Shows Medication Treatment for Opioid Addiction Can Help Prevent Overdose Death

New NIDA Study Shows Medication Treatment for Opioid Addiction Can Help Prevent Overdose Death

The findings of recent research by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) demonstrate both the potentially lifer-saving value of getting medically assisted treatment if you have an opioid use disorder (OUD, a.k.a. opioid dependency or addiction). In the study, of the roughly 50,000 adults who received outpatient treatment for opioid use disorder, there were…

Rehab 101 – 6 Ways to Develop Spirituality as Part of Your Recovery

Rehab 101 – 6 Ways to Develop Spirituality as Part of Your Recovery

Given the culture we live in today, with what seems to be its increasing tendencies toward commercialism, materialism and secularism, many of us who seek recovery from a substance use disorder (a.k.a. chemical dependency, addiction to alcohol or drugs) find it surprising to hear that developing spirituality, living according to spiritual principles, and/or nourishing our…

Rehab 101 — How it Could Benefit Me to Be Open to Getting Guidance for my Thinking

Rehab 101 — How it Could Benefit Me to Be Open to Getting Guidance for my Thinking

Very rarely do we see people come into recovery from addiction brimming with positivity, honesty and a caring attitude toward others. Instead, it’s much more typical to find “newcomers” feeling weighted down by distrust and defensiveness, callousness and alienation (if not resentment and malevolence), and a substantial amount of self-centeredness. However, as the saying goes,…