a group of people talk about entering drug rehab programs for professionals

Drug Rehab Programs for Professionals

Licensed health professionals don’t get some special immunity from addiction. In fact, some experts suggest that between 10-15% will experience some form of substance abuse or dependence. While this is consistent with the regular population, it’s especially dangerous among healthcare providers because drugs and alcohol impair judgment. Treating their addiction requires a unique drug rehab…

Doctor writing a prescription

Prescription Drug Abuse Among Doctors: Statistics & Treatment Options

Prescription Drug Abuse Among Doctors: Statistics & Treatment Options   Given the unusual, often arduous challenges facing doctors working during the COVID-19 pandemic, how to best cope with stress is necessarily one dimension of life each and every physician must address. While healthy choices are certainly available to help you adapt to today’s more intensified…

man using telehealth services for addiction treatment during coronavirus pandemic

I Was a High-Functioning Alcoholic

I used to be a college professor and could really relate to being a “high-functioning alcoholic.” I want to share my story, some facts, and offer hope to professionals who might be asking themselves if they’re in the same boat. Let’s start with what it means to be a high-functioning alcoholic. It’s about drinking too…

Are You a Healthcare Professional Trying to “Hold Your Liquor” (or Other Substances) During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Are You a Healthcare Professional Trying to “Hold Your Liquor” (or Other Substances) During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

PART TWO: About Treatment Designed Specifically to Help You Anyone who has experienced their life being “taken over” and dictated by the obsession and compulsion to drink or use drugs knows just how much loss can be involved: the loss of one’s serenity and sanity, self-esteem, self-worth and health, one’s relationship with a spouse, family,…

doctor with prescription bottles showing the process of Stealing Prescription Opiates

New Report Discloses Dramatic Rise in Doctors & Nurses Stealing Prescription Opiates

A report by data firm Protenus reveals an alarming problem in the midst of the opioid epidemic, and it’s called “opioid diversion.”[1] The report states that in 2018, over 47 million doses of legally prescribed opioids were “lost” due to healthcare employee theft and misuse, a startling increase of 126 percent from the previous year.…