Rehab 101 – Sometimes the Most Important Action You Can Take to Maintain Your Recovery is Being Honest About Where You Are

Rehab 101 – Sometimes the Most Important Action You Can Take to Maintain Your Recovery is Being Honest About Where You Are

Having occasionally felt myself to be “in the trenches” of recovery myself—as perhaps you have, as well—I’d say some of the most challenging, frustrating and baffling experiences in learning to live this new way of life (especially early on) occur when our insides don’t match our outsides—that is, when what we’re doing at any given…

If You’re Seeking Recovery from a Substance Use Disorder, Look for a Treatment Center with These Components

If You’re Seeking Recovery from a Substance Use Disorder, Look for a Treatment Center with These Components

In defining addiction, the National Institute on Drug Abuse states “(addiction) is a chronic disease characterized by compulsive, or uncontrollable, drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences and changes in the brain, which can be long-lasting. These changes in the brain can lead to the harmful behaviors seen in people who use drugs.”[1] Importantly, they…

woman learns about the benefits of TMS therapy

5 Benefits of TMS Therapy

Depression affects millions of people in the United States, and in fact, several sources cite depression as the number one cause of disability across the country. There are a variety of depression treatments available and treatments for other mental health conditions. Some people may seek a newer, more innovative treatment, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation…

Seek Medical Support When Detoxing from Alcohol, to Avoid the Dangers of Trying it Yourself at Home – PART ONE

Seek Medical Support When Detoxing from Alcohol, to Avoid the Dangers of Trying it Yourself at Home – PART ONE

Have you ever looked in the mirror and the reflection back has said something like, “Alright, already! You’ve GOT to quit drinking!” If you’re like me, you’d certainly prefer to have a switch somewhere nearby you could flick and voila! All our alcohol problems would magically disappear and we’d be able to live our lives…

REHAB 101 – Freedom from Active Addiction Requires Taking Off the Masks and Dropping the Stories

REHAB 101 – Freedom from Active Addiction Requires Taking Off the Masks and Dropping the Stories

Having been devotedly involved in my own recovery program—and being an active part of the recovery network of many others’—over the past 23 years, I’ve learned a few things about the concept of ‘freedom.’ I’ve learned that, as far as recovery from a substance use disorder (aka addiction or chemical dependency) is concerned, the sooner…

Seek Medical Support When Detoxing from Alcohol, to Avoid the Dangers of Trying it Yourself at Home – PART TWO

Seek Medical Support When Detoxing from Alcohol, to Avoid the Dangers of Trying it Yourself at Home – PART TWO

For those seeking recovery from an alcohol dependency, detoxing from alcohol is typically an extremely challenging experience. Throughout the detox process—which, according to Medical News Today, initially takes about a week[1]—there is a high likelihood of experiencing negative, even dangerous symptoms of withdrawal. Even milder symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can be too uncomfortable to tolerate.…